Source code for stsci.skypac.pamutils

A module that provides functions for computing Pixel Area Maps (PAM) based
on polynomial distortion model contained in a FITS WCS. Tabular distortions
``NPOL`` and ``DET2IM`` used to describe ``HST/ACS`` distortions are ignored.

:Authors: Mihai Cara

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import numbers
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy import wcs as fitswcs
import stwcs

__all__ = ['pam_from_file', 'pam_from_wcs']

def _is_int(n):
    return (
        (isinstance(n, numbers.Integral) and not isinstance(n, bool)) or
        (isinstance(n, np.generic) and np.issubdtype(n, np.integer))

def _compute_pam_sd(wcs, shape=None, blc=(1, 1), idcscale=1.0, cdscale=1.0):
    Computes Pixel Area Map (PAM) using the distortion model defined in WCS
    and described through Simple Image Polynomials (SIP) by computing
    the Jacobian of the distortion model.

    This function computes the Jacobian of the distortion model using
    *symbolic differentiation* of Simple Image Polynomials.


    wcs: astropy.wcs.WCS, stwcs.wcsutil.HSTWCS
        A ``WCS`` object containing the distortion model.

    shape: tuple of int, None, optional
        A tuple of two integers (ny, nx) indicating the size of the PAM image
        to be generated. When the default value is used (`None`), the size
        of the returned PAM array will be determined from ``wcs.array_shape``
        attribute of the supplied ``WCS`` object.

    blc: tuple of int or float, optional
        A tuple indicating the coordinates of the bottom-left pixel of the
        PAM array to be computed. These coordinates should be given
        in the image coordinate system defined by the input ``WCS`` (in which,
        for example, ``WCS.crpix`` is defined). The first element specifies
        the column (``"x"``-coordinate) and the second element specifies
        the row (``"y"``-coordinate).

    idcscale: float, optional
        A positive number indicating the pixel scale used in the
        "Instrument Distortion Correction" for HST instruments. For
        non-HST instruments this parameter may be set to be equal
        to ``cdscale``.

    cdscale: float, optional
        A positive number indicating the pixel scale as computed from the
        CD matrix. HST instruments CD matrix includes linear distortion

    PAM: numpy.ndarray
        Pixel area map.

    if shape is None:
        shape = wcs.array_shape

    # rescale factor:
    rf = (cdscale / idcscale)**2

    # distortion does not exist or is linear:
    if wcs.sip is None or wcs.sip.a_order < 1 or wcs.sip.b_order < 1 or \
       (wcs.sip.a_order == 1 and wcs.sip.b_order == 1):
        return rf * np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float64)

    # prepare coordinates:
    x = np.arange(shape[1], dtype=float) - wcs.sip.crpix[0] + float(blc[0])
    y = np.arange(shape[0], dtype=float) - wcs.sip.crpix[1] + float(blc[1])

    ar = np.arange(wcs.sip.a_order + 1)
    br = np.arange(wcs.sip.b_order + 1)

    ones_a = np.ones(wcs.sip.a_order + 1)
    ones_b = np.ones(wcs.sip.b_order + 1)

    # "coordinate vectors" (e.g., (1, x, x**2, x**3, ...)) used in
    # distortion bilinear forms:
    ax = np.outer(x, ones_a)**ar
    ay = np.outer(y, ones_a)**ar
    bx = np.outer(x, ones_b)**br
    by = np.outer(y, ones_b)**br

    # derivatives of the "coordinate vectors" with regard to x & y:
    adx = np.roll(ax, 1, 1) * ar
    ady = np.roll(ay, 1, 1) * ar
    bdx = np.roll(bx, 1, 1) * br
    bdy = np.roll(by, 1, 1) * br

    # derivatives of the binomial forms:
    A = wcs.sip.a.T
    B = wcs.sip.b.T
    dadx = 1.0 + np.tensordot(ay.T, np.tensordot(A, adx, (1, 1)), (0, 0))
    dady = np.tensordot(ady.T, np.tensordot(A, ax, (1, 1)), (0, 0))
    dbdx = np.tensordot(by.T, np.tensordot(B, bdx, (1, 1)), (0, 0))
    dbdy = 1.0 + np.tensordot(bdy.T, np.tensordot(B, bx, (1, 1)), (0, 0))

    # compute rescaled Jacobian
    jacobian = rf * np.abs(dadx * dbdy - dady * dbdx)

    return jacobian

[docs]def pam_from_file(image, ext, output_pam, ignore_vacorr=False, normalize_at=None): r""" Generate a **P**\ ixel **A**\ rea **M**\ ap (PAM) file from the ``FITS`` ``WCS`` contained in an image extension of a calibrated ``HST`` image file specified by ``image``. .. note:: PAM computation is performed using the distortion model defined in the ``WCS`` and described through Simple Image Polynomials (SIP). Non-polynomial distortions are ignored! Parameters ---------- image: str File name of a ``FITS`` image that will provide a ``FITS`` ``WCS`` (`stwcs.wcsutils.HSTWCS` or `astropy.wcs.WCS`). ext: int, str, tuple of (str, int) Extension specification. May be an integer extension number, a string extension name, or a tuple of extension name *and* extension version. output_pam: str Output file name to which PAM will be written. .. warning:: If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten without warnings. ignore_vacorr: bool, optional When set to `True`, ``PAM`` will be generated *as if* vellocity aberration has not applied to the ``WCS``. .. warning:: This function does not know whether velocity aberration (VA) correction has been applied to the ``WCS`` or not. It is user's responsibility to check the appropriateness of settung this parameter to `True`. Setting ``ignore_vacorr`` to `True` when ``WCS`` was not VA-corrected will result in larger errors in computed ``PAM``. **Default value is highly recommended!** normalize_at: tuple of int, optional Indicates whether to normalize computed ``PAM`` to 1 at the provided zero-based pixel position. By default, PAM is computed relative to (or, in units of) the ``idcscale`` (for ``HST`` instruments) value when present or to the pixel scale at ``CRPIX`` when the ``wcs`` object does not have an ``idcscale`` property. Default setting should produce results analogous to the drizzle/blot method. .. note:: ``HST/WFC3`` PAM historically are normalized to 1 at specific pixel positions. See for further details. """ with, mode='readonly') as h: data_shape = h[ext].data.shape try: wcs = stwcs.wcsutil.HSTWCS(h, ext) except Exception: wcs = fitswcs.WCS(h[ext].header, h) pam = pam_from_wcs(wcs, shape=data_shape, ignore_vacorr=ignore_vacorr, normalize_at=normalize_at) fits.PrimaryHDU(pam).writeto(output_pam, overwrite=True)
[docs]def pam_from_wcs(wcs, shape=None, ignore_vacorr=False, normalize_at=None): r""" Generate a **P**\ ixel **A**\ rea **M**\ ap (PAM) file from a ``FITS`` ``WCS``. .. note:: PAM computation is performed using the distortion model defined in the ``WCS`` and described through Simple Image Polynomials (SIP). Non-polynomial distortions are ignored! Parameters ---------- wcs: stwcs.wcsutils.HSTWCS, astropy.wcs.WCS An `~astropy.wcs.WCS` object to be used for generating PAM file. shape: tuple of two int, None, optional Shape of the output image ``(ny, nx)``. If se to default `None`, this function will try to deduce the shape of the output image from the value of ``array_shape`` attribute of the input ``wcs`` object. ignore_vacorr: bool, optional When set to `True`, ``PAM`` will be generated *as if* vellocity aberration has not applied to the ``WCS``. .. warning:: This function does not know whether velocity aberration (VA) correction has been applied to the ``WCS`` or not. It is user's responsibility to check the appropriateness of settung this parameter to `True`. Setting ``ignore_vacorr`` to `True` when ``WCS`` was not VA-corrected will result in larger errors in computed ``PAM``. **Default value is highly recommended!** normalize_at: tuple of int, optional Indicates whether to normalize computed ``PAM`` to 1 at the provided zero-based pixel position. By default, PAM is computed relative to (or, in units of) the ``idcscale`` (for ``HST`` instruments) value when present or to the pixel scale at ``CRPIX`` when the ``wcs`` object does not have an ``idcscale`` property. Default setting should produce results analogous to the drizzle/blot method. .. note:: ``HST/WFC3`` PAM historically are normalized to 1 at specific pixel positions. See for further details. Returns ------- pam: numpy.ndarray A 2D `numpy.ndarray` containing PAM. Raises ------ ValueError When both ``shape`` and ``wcs.array_shape`` attribute are `None`. """ if shape is None: if wcs.array_shape is not None: shape = wcs.array_shape else: raise ValueError("Both 'shape' and 'wcs.array_shape' are None. " "Cannot infer output image shape.") cdscale = np.sqrt(fitswcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(wcs)) * 3600.0 # Ignoring VAFACTOR helps get PAMs that are in better # agreement with the ones produced by R. Hook in 2004. if ignore_vacorr and hasattr(wcs, 'vafactor'): cdscale /= wcs.vafactor idcscale = wcs.idcscale if hasattr(wcs, 'idcscale') else cdscale pam = _compute_pam_sd(wcs=wcs, shape=shape, idcscale=idcscale, cdscale=cdscale) if normalize_at is not None: if hasattr(normalize_at, '__iter__'): if len(normalize_at) != 2: raise ValueError("'normalize_at' must contain exactly two " "coordinates.") if not all([_is_int(coord) for coord in normalize_at]): raise TypeError("Each pixel coordinate must be an integer.") if normalize_at[0] >= shape[1] or normalize_at[1] >= shape[0] or \ normalize_at[0] < 0 or normalize_at[1] < 0: raise ValueError( "Pixel coordinates specified by 'normalize_at' must be " "within output image borders.") else: raise TypeError( "When specified, 'normalize_at' must be an iterable." ) pam /= pam[normalize_at[1], normalize_at[0]] return pam